What's New?
- February 2021: PLAOnline.app and PLAOnlineSampler.app are now available for the Mac.
- February 2019: PLA 6.0 online and PLA 6.0 go live. As do the new models STM8 and VMac.
- October 2017: pl.csl.sri.com relocates and the source moves from subversion to git.
- April 2017: PLA 5.3 and SKMEL133 models goes live.
- February 2017: PLA 5.2 goes live, and stella replaces light as the default server and the mongo server.
- January 2017: updated publication and presentation list to include the recent paper and presentation Workshop on Formal Methods in Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, at Shenzhen, China in December 2016.
- May 2016: PLA 5.0 goes live.
- August 2015: updated publication and presentation list as well as updated STM7 guide.
- April 2015: PLA 4.7b goes live, now with launching from the all paths tab.
- March 2015: PLA 4.7 goes live, now with the all paths capabilities.
- March 2015: PLAOnline moves to the model launcher.
- July 2014: PLA 4.6 goes live, now with the KB browser.
- March 2014: PLA 4.5 goes live, in preparation for the launch of the PLA Garuda Gadget.
- March 2014: The STM7 (STM for signal transduction model, or stimulus, for short, 7th version) goes live.
- November 2013: PLA 4.4 goes live.
- October 2013: The glycosylation model goes and it's tour goes liv.e
- October 2013: The online demonstrations PLAOnline are upgraded to PLA 4.3.
- October 2012: Datums goes live.
- August 2012: The newest version of the Pathway Logic Assistant PLA 3.4 goes live.
- August 2012: The online demonstrations PLAOnline are upgraded to PLA 3.4
- December 2011: The Datums Knowledge Base goes live.
- August 2011: The Mycobacterial Mycolic Acid Biosynthesis Pathway model goes live.
- July 2011: The Protease Network model goes live.
- June 2011: The newest version of the Pathway Logic Assistant PLA 3.3 goes live.
- June 2011: The STM6 (STM for stimulus, 6th version) goes live.
- May 2011: The online demonstrations PLAOnline move to the cloud.