The version of PLA4 is a step towards more uniform treatment of diverse models, and under the hood moving repsonsibility for the graph generation and metadata display to to the graphics2d actor. The PLALib folder contains the PLA code for manipulating models. The Models folder contains the models. It comes with one demo model, TinyKB. Models/Template has all the required structure of a model. To start a new model, copy Template, add your own ops and rules and edit the placeholder files as described in Models/Template/README.txt Note that theops.maude is intended to be THE SAME for every model. Any added sort and op declarations need to go in Ops modules. No doubt we will find a need to adapt theops from time to time, but this should not be done lightly You will notice that there are 4 load-... files load-jpl-fresh.maude load-jpl-restore.maude load-jpl-fresh-all.maude load-jpl-restore-all.maude fresh[-all] regernerates the knowledge base (tkb,-graph,-occmap files) and the JSON description. Without -all only the ops that are actually used in a rule occurrence are considered. With -all all the declared ops are included. The latter is mainly useful when we want to edit rules on the fly, as it provides an extended vocabulary. restort [-all] just loads the saved kb (maude and json). Use this unless you have edited the maude since the last fresh. There is a startup file for each load file. startup-jfresh-all.txt for load-jpl-fresh-all.maude startup-jfresh.txt for load-jpl-fresh.maude startup-jrestore-all.txt for load-jpl-restore-all.maude startup-jrestore.txt for load-jpl-restore.maude startup.txt -- defaults to startup-jrestore.txt -- edit to pick your default The models in the PL distribution have generated and saved the KBs. When you build your own model or edit an existing one you will need to use load-fresh to save the current KB version.